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Writer's pictureAYBERK YAVUZ

User Manual of Human Body

The human body operates on a complex system of hormones, brain performance, and biological rhythms that influence our overall health and well-being. In this guide, we explore the best times for hormone regulation, peak cognitive brain performance hours, and essential practices for treating your body with care. By understanding these natural cycles, you can boost your productivity, enhance focus, and maintain optimal health. Whether you're looking to improve your daily routine or maximize your body's potential, this user manual of the human body will provide actionable insights for a healthier lifestyle.

Almost every technological device we buy has a user manual. Manufacturers put the details that need to be considered for the most efficient operation of the product in this manual.

Of course, we are not a generation that looks at the user manual of the items we use. We plug in the product we buy and try to learn the working principle of the product with God's help during the process.

We said that every technological device has a user manual. So where is the user manual of our body, the most biotechnological thing we know and have?

Let's say we are not a generation that looks at the manual, but if there are people who want to look, what will they do?

The idiots who might say, "What manual, brother, you are talking about pointless things, we are just living in our own, what manual you're talking about, just leave us alone", can close this website and this article and go directly to the detailed summary of the Real Madrid match and kill their time there.

Now let's dig a little deeper. There are small molecular clocks in our cells. Our bodies live by these molecular clocks and are in a daily life cycle that is reset every 24 hours. This cycle is controlled by genes called clock genes, at least I name them like that. All living things, from mice to fish, from plants to single-celled bacteria, have their own special clock genes. And they experience the things that are allowed to happen within the time determined by these genes. No plant says, forget the sun, brother, this time I will photosynthesize at 1 a.m. Or no mouse says, "I won't sleep next month, brother, that's enough, I've been sleeping every day since I was born anyway." Clock genes tell plants when to photosynthesize. Clock genes tell sharks or mice when to sleep. At the same time, clock genes tell humans when to sleep, when to secrete TSH, testosterone, melatonin, cortisol.

The situation I'm describing is valid even for the idiots who go straight to the Real Madrid match summary.

These genes also regulate and analyse a ton of data, such as heart rhythm behavior, blood oxygen level control, and the number of red blood cells in the blood. The home base of these clock genes is a region of the famous hypothalamus in the brain called the SCN. The nerve network in this SCN region acts as the body's master clock, sending signals to clock genes in other tissues and organs of the body to work or not work.

For example, these genes tell the body:

-"Now secrete T3 hormone,"

-Then when this hormone reaches sufficient levels, it says, "okay, you secreted too much, stop secreting T3 hormone".

-Another time, it says, "Now secrete testosterone hormone a little bit."

-It says, "speed up the heart" when necessary, and then when it is no longer necessary,it says "you can slow it down".

-It gives many commands like, when it is morning, "secrete cortisol a little bit to help you wake up".

It is very interesting that this command mechanism sends these signals to the body based on a single variable. That is light. The body has evolved to be exposed to light during the day and to rest without light in the evening. As a result of this evolution, an optimal working principle has emerged, as seen in the picture.

Circadian rhythm of a human being and changes by the hours of the day in human body

  • At 21:00, the body starts secreting melatonin. Melatonin is a very important hormone for your sleep, rest, body defense, in short, for the state of Homeostasis.

  • At 22:30 in the evening, bowel movements start to stop and the body prepares to switch to sleep mode.

  • Assuming that you sleep at 23:00 or 00 at the latest, you will experience your deepest sleep at 2:00 am.

  • At 4:30 am, your body drops to its lowest temperature.

  • The day begins to dawn around 6:00 am.

  • At 6:45, there is a jump in your blood pressure. In other words, the body starts the engine to start the day.

  • At 7:30, your melatonin secretion stops.

  • At 8:30, your bowels start to move.

  • At 9:00 am, you secrete the most testosterone.

  • At 10:00 am, you are the most alert and awake.

  • Around 14:30 in the afternoon, your body coordination works the most.

  • Around 15:30 is the hour when your body reacts the most to stimuli.

  • At 17:00, your cardiovascular efficiency reaches its strongest state and your muscles are at their best working potential.

  • At 18:30, your blood pressure reaches its highest.

  • At 19:00, your body is at its hottest and after this time it slowly starts to cool down.

  • At 21:00, you start secreting melatonin again and the cycle continues like this.

The main switch and main goal of this entire cycle is to secrete melatonin. And as you guessed, it is based on light as a reference point. If there is light, Melatonin is not there, if there is no light, Melatonin is there.

So, for example, if you are someone who lives or works at night, and you should start secreting melatonin at 9 pm, but you expose your body to light, especially lights that contain blue light, your body says, "Hmm, it's not evening yet, let's secrete melatonin in the evening" and doesn't secrete melatonin. Therefore, during the hours when you should be resting and repairing, you still trick your body into working as if it were morning. Then, you don't go to bed on time, therefore you rest less and secrete less melatonin, and wake up in the morning again.

Since your melatonin secretion stops at 7.30 in the morning, you will never have the rest that comes with sleeping at night, even if you sleep until 12 noon. In addition, a body without melatonin is also without tryptophan, which means you are deprived of the raw material to turn into serotonin in the morning.

Lack of serotonin will also make you prone to depression.

If you think about doing this lifestyle for months, your body will start to think like this;

“Bro, when is evening, when is morning?”

“When should I work my bowels, when shouldn’t I?”

“When am I going to rest?”

“Fuck, there is light outside, it’s 11 o’clock and I’m still sleeping. What the hell is this?”

“Wow, it’s only been 3-5 hours since I was exposed to daylight and it’s dark again. Bro, what kind of world is this? I don’t have such a working principle,”

Secretion and pause times of some important hormones

In this graph, you can see when some hormones are optimally secreted. The graph is based on the time between 2 pm and 2 pm of the next day.

The gray area shows the probable sleep time. That is, approximately between 10 pm and 6 am. For some reason, melatonin secretion increases at 10 pm, peaks at approximately 2 am, and its secretion stops at 6 am.

Another important hormone is growth hormone. It starts to be secreted between approximately 10 pm and 2 am. Of course, if you are sleeping during these hours.

The tryptrophin hormone seen in the graph is TSH. It is our brother that tells the thyroid gland to produce hormones. If you do not produce TSH properly and do not tell your thyroid gland to produce hormones on time and in the right dosage, your metabolism slows down and you gain weight. You live in a sleepy state. Your hair starts to fall out. You become intolerant to cold. And the most painful thing is your libido decreases. And of course, as can be seen, TSH production reaches its peak value at night and uses the amount it reaches at that peak value throughout the day.

Of course, if you enter deep sleep mode at 2 am. In other words, if you are complaining about your weight and slow metabolism, you should first question your sleep pattern and whether or not you are secreting TSH into your body.

Diurnal variation in Cognitive Performances Experiment

In this graph, you can see the change in your mental competence based on hours. Studies were conducted on an experimental group.

For example, people in the group were asked to deal playing cards at different times of the day and it was seen that people in the group dealt the cards fastest between 10-12 in the morning. They were also asked to multiply numbers and it was seen that multiplication competence was best done around 12 noon and it was observed that this competence decreased in the later hours of the day. They also observed the error-free rate in multiplication and it was seen that the least number of errors were made at 10 in the morning. In other words, the time period when your brain works best is the hours when you first start to receive daylight. Especially 10 in the morning is a very valuable hour. If you are sleeping at this time, it means that you are not using your mind optimally.

You can compare your body to a car. When you start a car, you need to start the engine for a certain period of time and not move. Everyone knows this. This is necessary for the engine oil to warm up and for the oil to wrap the pistons well. Of course, you can drive the car directly after starting it without waiting. However, if you wait and warm up the engine during this waiting period, the vehicle will have a longer life. It will burn less fuel, the engine will be more efficient and the engine oil will get dirty more slowly. Or compare the body to a combi boiler. What do they say about combi boilers? If you have turned on the heater in the winter, never turn it off completely while sleeping at night. Turn it to the lowest temperature but do not turn it off. They say that this is the only way you can use the combi boiler most efficiently.

Of course, you can turn it off completely at night and turn it on in the morning. So yes, there is such a use, but when you look at your bill at the end of the month, you will inevitably be shocked when you see what this use cost.

The body is like that. It seems to tolerate all kinds of abuse, smoking, drinking, sleeping late, not resting. However, when this toxic lifestyle and abuse lasts for days, weeks, even months, you are exposed to cancer, chronic insomnia, internal organ failure, low blood values, visual impairment, poor sperm quality and dozens of other bills that everyone knows. There is no escape from this.

According to the body's user guide, you can listen to the following suggestions to support your life.

1- Expose yourself to light daily. Of course, sunlight is the best light. Walk for at least 20 minutes during bright hours. Do not wear sunglasses during this period. Even if there is no obvious sun outside in the winter months, the brightness of the surroundings will be enough for you.

2- Avoid exposure to light at night. Almost all screen devices have blue light filters. Activate this setting in the evening. Blue light is one of the biggest factors that prevents you from secreting melatonin.

3- Be sure to do physical activity during the day. Be sure to exercise your body during the bright hours of the day. Exercising your body in the bright light will contribute to your rest at night.

4- Be sure to eat your meals during the bright hours of the day. If possible, eat after sunset. Even if you do eat, eat less and eat heavy things.

5- Drink lots of water. Your thyroid gland gets the iodine it needs to produce the T3-T4 hormone from salt. However, it also meets ten percent of its daily needs from water.

6- Have a fixed bedtime and wake-up time. Sleep at night, wake up in the morning.

7- Try to keep the room you sleep in as dark as possible. Don't even use a night light. The darker it is while you're asleep, the more melatonin you produce.

8- Use your bed only for sleeping. Don't do activities like looking at your tablet, lying down, or eating in your bed.

All these requirements were not what people needed 100 years ago.

As lighting and electricity began to make it possible for people to live their lives at night like today, people became disconnected from their daily rhythms. And with that, they began to experience different problems. In fact, the source of most problems stems from not being natural.

In short, we are an animal that lives in the morning and rests in the evening. Therefore, stick to the rhythm of the sun. Live naturally and organically.

Now you can move on to the detailed summary of the Real Madrid match.

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